Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine
Organization Background
Established in 2008, CVVIM is the only no-charge provider of healthcare services in the Coachella Valley. CVVIM receives no reimbursement from any private or government insurer (MediCal or Medicare) for the services provided, and never charges a patient for any of the services provided.
In 2012, CVVIM moved to permanent space in Indio, leased for $1 per year from the County of Riverside in a 6,600 square foot, state-of-the-art facility built for CVVIM by the County.
In 2016, 193 volunteers provided more than 12,000 volunteer hours, valued in excess of $460,000 (using Department of Labor statistics for position and area) to provide direct patient care to nearly 1,000 patients through 3,500 visits. An additional 1,500 contacts were made with these patients and 500 individuals from the community, through health education classes, specialty clinics (flu vaccinations, hearing assessments, etc.), case management services and health navigator services.
CVVIM also provides clinical and practical experiences for local Health Academy students from local high schools and various colleges and universities for students needing to gain experience in a medical facility for coursework, including Eisenhower Medical Center’s General Medical Education Residency Program, accepting both Internal and Family Medicine residents (1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd year).
Year | Amount | Purpose |
2022 | $10,000 | To support direct costs related to their Women’s Wellness programs, such as medical supplies, imaging and diagnostic services and laboratory testing, with 10% of the grant going to administrative costs. |
2021 | $20,000 | To support direct costs related to their Women’s Wellness programs, such as medical supplies, imaging and diagnostic services and laboratory testing. 10% of awarded funds will be used for administrative fees. CVVIM has three OB/GYN volunteer physicians providing gynecological services. |
2020 | $10,000 | General operating support to provide relief during COVID-19. |
2018 | $20,000 | CVVIM received $20,000 to support direct costs related to their Women’s Wellness programs, such as medical supplies, imaging and diagnostic services and laboratory testing. CVVIM will use this grant to help cover PAP Smear costs as well. 10% of the request will be used for administrative fees. |
2017 | $15,000 | In 2016 CVVIM provided gynecological services to 216 women through 291 patient visits. Patients receive annual preventive health examinations, testing, follow-up care and referrals for treatment, community services and preventive health information. While there are no professional costs associated with care and services, CVVIM is responsible for all testing and diagnostics necessary for the prevention and diagnosis of patients seen. Average cost per patient, per visit is at $130, far less than cost for service in a hospital Emergency Department. Considering 2016 patient volume for gynecology patients only, nearly $39,000 was spent on these services alone. A $15,000 grant helps to cover costs for gynecological testing and diagnostics patient care related expenses. |