Catholic Charities

(From Left to Right) Marisol De Los Santos (Case Work Specialist), Araceli Gonzales de Leon (Past Case Work Specialist), and Jessica Meza (Regional Coordinator, Coachella Valley) teaching a class in Riverside about using healthy ingredients when cooking meals.

Jessica Meza, Regional Coordinator, Coachella Valley showing a client’s baby a toy he will be receiving during our annual toy drive

Volunteers preparing fresh vegetables to be given to those in need of healthy groceries.

Volunteer on his way to deliver much needed school supplies to students in our community.

Jessica Meza, Regional Coordinator, Coachella Valley driving our delivery truck full of food ready to be given to those in need

Sr. Lorreta Raass, a volunteer making sure a client has everything he needs during one of our food drives in Mecca

Volunteers planting vegetables in our San Bernardino Community Garden

Guillermo J. Valenzuela, Lina Paredes, and Catholic Charities staff